Engel Stadium is well on its way to becoming one of Chattanooga’s most unique community venues. The old ballpark is more than a great place to play baseball; its historic ambiance makes it attractive for all types of gatherings. Imagine the day when you spread your blanket in center field to watch a movie, sit in the grandstands to hear a concert, stroll through the press box, dugouts and locker rooms hearing stories from Engel’s colorful past, hunt for treasures in a memorabilia show… With your help, Engel will be all those things and more.
Make your checks payable to:
Engel Foundation
Post Office Box 3622
Chattanooga, TN 37404
Or, if you would like to pay via credit card, place your secure online donation here:

In 1937, Joe Engel stood on a street corner in downtown Chattanooga offering shares of stock in the Chattanooga Lookouts for $5 a piece to passers by. More than 1,500 Chattanoogans responded, raising $20,475 to help Joe buy the team. For the next 53 years, baseball remained alive and well at Engel Stadium.
Today it's our turn. The Engel Foundation is offering "shares" of Engel Stadium for $100 a piece to help restore Joe's beloved ballpark and make it a thriving hotspot for baseball and community life once again. The names of the first 1,500 people to donate will be listed on a commemorative “1500 Club” wall plaque, which will be kept on permanent display at Engel Stadium.
Buy your “share” of Engel Stadium today! Complete and mail the attached form along with your check to The Engel Foundation at the address provided on the form. Those who donate $100 or more by credit card will automatically become members of the 1500 Club.
Corporate Donors
Companies that want to be become part of Engel Stadium history have two opportunities to participate.
Top 100 – The first 100 companies to donate $5,000 will secure space for your company’s billboard ad on the outfield wall for the next five years.
Starting 9 – The first nine corporate or individual donors who contribute $25,000 or more will receive one of nine spots on the starting lineup. These special supporters will be memorialized on the baseball diamond permanently displayed in the lobby of Engel Stadium. First base and centerfield are already spoken for; call today to secure your position.
Please contact The Engel Foundation office at 423.314.1378 to learn more.